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Employer Strategic Focus Group

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What is it?

  • The Employer Strategic Focus Group ("the group") is an informal way for the employers to engage with the Fund (via the officers and the employer representatives on the Pension Fund Committee) on strategic issues.  The group has been established to facilitate a 2-way dialogue, and to enable the employer representatives to feedback employers' views to the Committee.

What is the purpose of the group?

The group discusses strategic issues which affect the employers (more detail below), and allows the employer representatives and officers to take informal soundings from employers on these issues.  These views may then be incorporated into draft strategies, for example, before consultation with the full employer body.  Or the views may be fed back to the Committee by the employer representatives, to contribute to the decision-making process.

The group meets on a six monthly basis virtually via MS Teams, once the next date is confirmed a registration form will be circulated to employers.

If you have any queries please email

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