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Outsourcing services and TUPE

Who's who?

Scheduled Body: Scheduled Bodies include Local and Borough Councils and Academies. They have the right and requirement to be in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).

Resolution Body: Town and Parish Councils, are eligible to join the pension fund based on them formally 'resolving' and providing the minutes notating the agreement, giving entry into the LGPS for one or more employees.

Admitted Body: Other Companies may join the LGPS as a result of a TUPE transfer involving staff who are already members. They must apply to become a member of the fund. Examples of these include catering, cleaning, or community interest companies.

TUPE and what does it mean?

Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (TUPE) regulations are there to help protect employee rights when transferring to a new employer.

If you are planning to outsource a service to another company, or you are a company taking on a contract and the existing employees are part of the LGPS, you must consider the pension implications for your staff and yourselves.


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