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Changing or outsourcing payroll

Changing payroll provider

If you are planning to outsource or change your payroll provider, you need to inform the pension fund as soon as possible as there are number of important administrative tasks we need to undertake to ensure are records remain up to date as you transition across. This is particularly important as in our experience it can often be difficult to receive information from legacy systems or providers. The information we need include, but are not limited to:

  • Ensuring we capture all CARE pay from the previous system, 
  • We identify and resolve any member level discrepancies between our respective records (i.e. missing starters, leavers etc)
  • We are aware of any payroll number changes.

To allow us to do this effectively, you, your current and future payroll provider will need to complete all the following forms/spreadsheets and return them to

Change of payroll provider form (Word doc, 19 KB)(opens new window) 

Employee data (ceding payroll provider) (Excel doc, 18 KB)(opens new window)

Employee data (new payroll provider) (Excel doc, 18 KB)(opens new window)

Outsourced payroll

On an ongoing basis, the Fund is willing to speak and work directly with an external payroll provider regarding obtaining and processing pensions data as along as the employer has expressly given this permission through completion of an authorised contact form. 

It is important to note even with an outsourced payroll arrangement, that employer always still has ultimate legal responsibility for data provided to the Fund as the Fund will not have a contractual arrangement in place with the external payroll provider. Therefore, if any difficulties arise with an outsourced arrangement the Fund will contact the employer to seek resolution.  

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