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Year end returns

A Year End Return is only required if you are not on iConnect

Provision of year end information

The provision of year end information is a statutory requirement for each employer in the LGPS as it enables us to meet our legal duties to provide annual benefits statements to members and to administer the Scheme effectively.

Employers must supply Wiltshire Pension Fund with information about each of their employees who have been an active member of the LGPS with us during the Scheme year (1 April to 31 March). This information must also be provided separately for each job which a member holds. This is because each job in the LGPS must have a separate pension account and hence we need to be able to split out pensionable pay (earnings) consistently from year to year.

Employers are responsible and accountable for the provision of accurate information supplied in a timely manner in line with legislative requirements.

The data requested on our Year End Return spreadsheet both determines part of each member's pension calculation and the basis of the information we are legally required to send scheme members as part of their annual benefit statements (legal deadline for sending is 31 August).

The accuracy of data submitted on this return is vital as a failure to send accurate benefit statements on time could lead to fines to the employer or Fund from the Pension Regulator.

How to complete the Year End Returns

  • download the Year End Return template
  • refer to the Definitions tab to understand what is required in each column
  • input employee information for each job role in the Data Input tab
  • return the completed and encrypted Year End Return spreadsheet to providing your password in a separate email
  • deadline to receive your information is no later by 3 May 2024

Download the  Year End Return template (Excel doc, 40 KB)(opens new window)

Year End Video Tutorial

We have created a short video to help employers calculate assumed pensionable pay for year end purposes. You can also refer to our Assumed Pensionable Pay section for further help.

Please note that although the video mentions 2021/22  tax year the process remains accurate for the current tax year. 

Contact us if you have any queries by emailing

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