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Authorised Contacts

In the interest of data security, effective communications and decision-making/data quality controls, it is essential that the Fund is aware of each employer's key contacts at all times.

Pension Liaison Officer (PLO): The Fund asks the employer to nominate a PLO. The PLO acts as the main point of contact for the Fund, he/she is responsible for the relationship between the Fund and employer and also for making sure the list of key contacts are up to date.

Most of our communications with employers tend to require liaison with employer contacts with following areas of responsibility (which may be the same person for smaller employers):

  • Finance contacts: Communication of all valuation information and all funding matters.
  • Payroll contacts: Normally responsible for contribution deductions, starter, leaver, changes and retirement deductions and all the related forms. Also for i-Connect submissions if an i-Connect employer. Either internal or external, depending on who delivers the function.
  • HR contacts: Ill Health retirements, absences, unpaid leave and redundancy quotes.

Whenever your employer's contact changes please send us a completed Employer contact form (PDF, 162 KB)(opens new window).

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