Some key points for all employers:
- Your employer discretion policy and template (Word doc, 67 KB)(opens new window) is a mandatory document which needs completed, approved by the appropriate people in your organisation and to be "published". It needs to be available to employees (a locally available committee paper is sufficient although ideally it would available amongst other HR information).
- The LGPS Regulations state that all employers should have an employer's discretions policy in place.
- A copy of your policy must be sent to the Fund, and re-sent when any changes take place, within a month of them becoming active.
- Some of the discretions on our template must be included in the policy while there are numerous others which have optional. Our template policy outlines all mandatory discretions and just the most commonly used optional ones.
- The application of individual discretions can apply to individual posts, to particular groups, be universal or decided on a 'case by case basis', but you must state this in your policy (although we recommend that you take account of discrimination laws when considering the wording and application of them)
- Any costs which occur as the result of an employer exercising a discretion are re-charged to the employer.
- Send your completed policy to
If you need further assistance with this, please contact