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Employer Services

As employers of the LGPS, the Employer Services Team are there to support you in fulfilling your duties and statutory obligations. The team will help to ensure all monthly data is processed correctly through the i-Connect portal, along with completing resulting work such as the processing of refunds, deferred benefits, change of details and new starters.

To contact the team please use the relevant details below dependant on your type of query.

i-Connect, Form Submission or Processing Queries


Tel: 01225 713888

General Queries/ Changes and Training requests

eg;new admissions, reorganisations, oursourcing, TUPE's, employer changes and cessations


Member Services

Our customer mission is to deliver an effective service, providing our members with the tools they need to plan for their financial future. The Member Services Team are there to help provide members with information about their pension, process changes such as aggregations, retirements and signpost them to other helpful resources and guidance. 

To contact the team please use the Contact Us page in the members area of the website.

Member Webinars

If you have a query from an employee or would like to arrange a webinar for your organisation , please visit Member Events & Webinars or alternatively you can contact

Compliments, Complaints or Disputes

Please visit Compliments, complaints and disputes

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